Any paper that starts with: “It usually comes as a surprise to students to learn that some (perhaps most) published articles belong in the bin, and should certainly not be used to inform practice.” Is clearly grounded in experience.
Medicinal Chemistry touches on a huge number of other disciplines, and with most chemist’s primary training in synthetic chemistry, developing the skills to read other disciplines papers intelligently is essential to rapidly filter the vital from the fatally flawed. This short publication elegantly captures some of these critical skills coming from a clinical perspective.
“How to read a paper : Getting your bearings (deciding what the paper is about)”
Greenhalgh, BMJ 1997;315:243
The book of the same name also has excellent sections on statistics for the non-statistician, assessing methodology and assessing review papers.
Greenhalgh, “How to read a paper”
#BucketListPapers #DrugDiscovery #MedicinalChemistry #BeTheBestChemistYouCanBe